
Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions Answered: Everything You Need to Know About indiGO


Some are! IndiGO’s 5 core services, Information and Referral, Skills Training, Advocacy, Transition, and Peer Support, are free! We also have a free Assistive Technology Loan and Demo program.

Other services like curriculums, Accessibility Assessments, and Benefits Analysis do have a fee. If you have other questions, please call our office at (715) 392-9118!

IndiGO offers rides under certain requirements please contact out transportation coordinator (715) 392-9118 x7124 for more information.

Yes, you must reside in any of the following counties or Tribal Communities in Wisconsin: Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, Iron, Burnett, Washburn, Sawyer, Price, Bad River, Red Cliff, Lac Courte Oreilles, or St. Croix.

If you are located outside of our service area, please contact indiGO at (715) 392-9118 for assistance in connecting you to the nearest independent living center or search the ILRU Directory.

Personal Care Program

Our Personal Care Program serves all 8 counties Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Price, Sawyer, Washburn, including the following tribal communities Bad River, Lac Courte Oreilles, Red Cliff and St. Croix.

indiGO personal care program assists people with Supportive Home Care and/or Personal Cares. Each client/consumer would have a personal care worker come to their home to help with tasks that are on the plan of care.

A plan of care is a plan of authorized tasks for the personal care worker to assist with each consumer/ client. The client/consumer and the indiGO Coordinator will sit down and make this plan to ensure quality care.

Supportive home care services are tasks where a personal care worker assists people with light housekeeping, meal preparation, laundry, etc.

Personal care services are tasks where a personal care worker assists people with daily living tasks, which may include but are not limited to the following hands-on tasks: bathing, getting in and out of a shower dressed and undressed, etc.

No, each plan is individualized to the clients’/consumers’ needs. The client/consumer works with indiGO to self-direct care.

No, our personal care workers meet you prior to any scheduled shift.

We will never send anyone to your home without a meet and greet. During the meet and greet, you will have a chance to meet the worker and ask questions. If you do not feel comfortable with the worker, you are able to request a new worker.

We are also able to hire friends and family members of your choice. indiGO personal care program trains personal care workers for each plan of care.

No, the personal care program offers long-term services for clients/consumers.

Anyone who needs short-term services would need to talk with a care agency that offers skilled nursing by contacting the phone number on the back of your health insurance card. They may have certain agencies that are contracted to assist with short-term services. If they cannot assist you, then talk with the hospital or social worker at the hospital or clinic you work with.

indiGO’s Personal Care Program Assists people of all ages, and we accept the following funders:

  • Private Pay, IRIS Plans: a self-directed program where you have a case manager that goes over the budget you can spend on services. Then, once you have the budget, you will need to find an agency or PCW that you want to hire.
  • Inclusa: Manage Care Program where you have both a case manager and an RN that helps you throughout every process of your supportive home care and personal care services. Inclusa authorizes a certain number of hours for you and then you pick out the agency you want to do the services for you.
  • Wisconsin Medicaid: Medicaid only allows personal care daily living tasks
  • ALZ Grant: if qualified the county authorizes hours per month.
  • County children’s waiver program/CTL.

Contact the Personal Care Program!

Private Pay folks do not need to do the following steps although anyone who wants to use and have help paying for services would need to do the following steps:

Steps to Start Services

  • Contact your local Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC):
    • Ask for a long-term family care assessment to be completed. This screening is to see if you qualify for a funder, a funding source will be the company that will pay for the in-home services if you qualify.
    • The ADRC will ask you questions about your daily living and the struggles you have. Be very honest with them by explaining your situation. If you cannot stand to do dishes, then you would need to explain to the person what the struggles are and how long it takes to complete tasks. The ADRC will ask personal questions just answer them the best you can.


  • Once they do this long-term screening, they will tell you if you qualify. If you meet the requirements for having services and you qualify, the next step is picking a funding source that would work for you. Your choices would be either IRIS or Inclusa.
    • IRIS Plans: a self-directed program where you have a case manager that goes over the budget you can spend on services. Then, once you have the budget, you will need to find an agency or PCW that you want to hire.
    • Inclusa: Manage Care Program, where you have both a case manager and an RN who helps you throughout every process of your supportive home care and personal care services. Inclusa authorizes a certain number of hours for you, and then you pick out the agency you want to use to provide the services for you.
  • Once you qualify and pick a funder (they are the ones that will pay for your services at your home; you might have to pay them a co-pay each month depending on what you qualify for, the ADRC will explain all of this to you). Then the funder IRIS or Inclusa will come out to do their assessment. Once that is complete, you tell them that if you want to hire an agency to do the services/care, you can pick any agency that has staff who would be able to cover the hours you need. If you choose indiGO, we will need to hire someone for you which can take some time, but we are willing to hire neighbors and family if you choose to have them as your workers. Contact the indiGO Personal Care Program with any questions.

Personal Care Employment

No experience is necessary, IndiGO will provide training before you work with any clients or consumers

Personal Care Workers (PCWs) are people who work with clients/consumers to empower independent living. PCWs assist clients/consumers with daily living tasks, light housekeeping, laundry, preparing meals, and/or personal care. We work one-on-one with each client/consumer at their home. Training is provided prior to working with a client/consumer. You would meet your client/consumer before your first shift. A Program Coordinator will introduce you to them at their home.

To apply as a PCW, fill out an employment application online through our Careers page or contact the Personal Care Program directly.

Peer Support Services

A Peer Specialist identifies as a person in recovery from mental health and/or substance use disorders. They use that experience to encourage and assist peers in developing their own recovery plans.

A peer specialist can:

  • Provide a welcoming environment of recovery and hope.
  • Support the peer in their own recovery process by walking alongside the peer. 
  • Demonstrate and teach peers self-determination and coping skills.
  • Advocate for peers and aid in connection with services.

Local recovery resources

Pathways to Hope is a diversion program offered by the Superior Police Department, which is partnered with Lake Superior Community Health Center.

There are several pathways into this program, which include self-referrals, criminal diversion, and officer diversion. Whether your life is being affected by substances or alcohol, this program meets you where you’re at. You can reach the Coordinated Response Specialist, Jen Stank, at (715) 395-7374 for further information or to sign up for Pathways to Hope.

Highlands Restoration and Wellness is a sober living home for Women with a 3-12 month stay. For further information or to fill out an intake form, please visit their website or call Emily Mack, at (218) 409-6731.

There are also outpatient services through Superior Treatment Center, (715) 392-9300, and Lake Superior Community Health Center, (715) 392-1955.

Let's Get in Touch

Are you interested in learning more about indiGO’s many Independent Living Services?

Please do not hesitate to reach out via phone, email, or by filling out the contact form. We look forward to connecting with you! 

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