
Consumer Success Story:
Rise of the Energizer Bunny

Consumer Success Story: Rise of the Energizer Bunny

January 3, 2022

A home visit with a consumer for Assistive Technology led to a successful exercise in self-advocacy.

The consumer-described herself as the energizer bunny at 72 years old and volunteering at a community non-profit thrift store when she said her legs quit working. She initially called to request information on a lift chair. She wanted to try out some devices to assist in getting up from seated positions for example her bed, and the shower.

indiGO’s Independent Living Specialist (ILS) adjusted her walker and cane for ergonomics and discussed furniture risers for the back legs of her recliner to help to get up.

During the home visit, the consumer stated she gained 40 lbs. in a very short time. Her physician said it was surprising she had been able to walk given her spinal ex-rays and MRIs. She described the multiple medical visits with various tests and no diagnosis. She followed up again with the physician and the response was a shrug of the shoulders.

indiGO’s ILS and the consumer discussed requesting a second opinion and suggested requesting her records. When ILS followed up with the consumer, she informed the ILS that an assistive technology appointment was not needed as she has been walking without a walker and lost 7 lbs. in less than a week!

What happened? Her request for her medical records to get a second opinion led to a change in medication with a water pill. Now she’s looking forward to returning to independent mobility and back to her volunteer position. Advocacy and promoting of self-advocacy is a core service of indiGO!

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