
32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)!

32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)!

July 13, 2022

A Note From the Executive Director

In this newsletter I am happy to share with you the events we have planned to celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)! Along with the City of Superior’s Mayor’s Commission on Disability, we are hosting the first annual City of Superior ADA Anniversary event. It is from 11 am – 1 pm on July 26th at City Center Park (at the corner of Belknap and Tower by the Superior Public Library.)Mayor Jim Paine will be giving a Proclamation, as well a welcome by the Mayor’s Commission on Disability, and our very own previous staff member, Russ Stover, will be sharing life before the ADA, life after the ADA was enacted, and the on-going need for further progress. This is a family friendly event with booths hosted by local service providers and the K&B Grilled Cheese truck will be on site if you are interested in picking up a yummy treat for lunch!

The next day, July 27th, indiGO is hosting a Ribbon Cutting and Open House to celebrate our rebranding as indiGO. Our Ribbon Cutting will be at Noon and our Open House will continue until 4 pm at our office in Superior. We will have light refreshments to celebrate our new name and to continue celebrating the ADA of course! Please reach out to me with any questions before either of these events. As always thank you for your on-GOing support and kindness!

Jill Nyberg

Executive Director, indiGO

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